An easy way to create some art and boost your creativity is to print out vintage images and black and white photos and add your own artistic decoration.
Old black and white photos look stunning and are easy to source from free image sites such as:
- Library of Congress
- National Gallery of Art
- Public Domain Pictures
- and many others sources …
Vintage magazine covers are very inspiring however most of these images are sourced online so they are protected by copyright laws. You might have some old magazines at home so I would recommend that you photocopy the cover so you can draw over it and not damage the original.

How, what, when?
I print out the images at A5 size and use posca pens or life of colour pens to doodle shapes and patterns to create some interest. It’s a fun activity to do relaxing in front of the television or as a kids activity.
Because these are just prints or photocopies, I don’t worry too much about having the perfect result. When I am happy with them I paste into my art journal to keep them for future reference.