Six creative Easter activities to do at home for all ages

Take your Easter celebration to the next level with these craft activities.

Do you celebrate Easter? In the northern hemisphere, Easter is the start of spring and the celebration of new life. In the southern hemisphere, it is autumn when the leaves change colour and family gatherings are a priority. Whether you’re planning an Easter egg hunt or just want some Easter crafts to do with the family, here are some ideas and inspiring quotes to keep you busy. Happy Easter!

Easter activities

1. Decorate Easter gift bags

This is a fun activity! You can re-use gift bags or purchase them from your craft store.

Miss 3 used paint stix from Life of Colour to add overall colour. The paint stix are so easy to use for younger and old and they dry quite quickly. You could also use markers or acrylic paint.

Miss 3 then added Easter themed stickers to decorate.

2. Hand made cards are fun to make and make a lovely surprise for someone special!

We have a selection of full colour graphics that can be printed directly onto card stock, or print on paper, trim and glue on to your card stock.

We also have digital stamps (black and white designs) that could form the base of your design. Print them out, colour and decorate to suit, trim and glue.

More detailed information for making your own cards >

3. Decorating eggs

For younger children, cut out cardboard in the shape of an egg and let them decorate it with stickers, textas, paint, glitter or paper.

For older kids it’s fun to paint some real eggs.

Hard-boil and chill your eggs before starting or you can also use wooden or plastic eggs for a slightly less messy alternative. Gather all your supplies, such as paint, posca paint pens, markers, glue, glitter, stickers and paper and get started. Here’s a few awesome ideas that I came across for inspiration from Woman’s Day:

4. Happy Easter colouring

Original hand-drawn Easter colouring page for children or adults to colour or decorate. Easy to download and print at home or school.

5. Doodling on blank eggs

You can purchase all sorts of blank wooden eggs, dolls, rabbits and other shapes. I get mine from Dolls in Dolls which has a lovely range.

  • First step – I sanded the wooden blanks a little and cleaned the surface thoroughly.
  • Second step – For this doodle design I just drew randomly but sometimes I draw my rough design with pencil, using an eraser to remove excess pencil marks.
  • Third step – I used Posca acrylic paint markers in black and white to draw the design. They are fast drying which is ideal.
  • Fourth step – I let them dry well for a day or two before sealing. I gently put on at least two coats of clear varnish (waiting at least two hours between each coat) and make sure there are no big drips or runs. Spray varnish is great to use but needs to be used in a well ventilated outdoor area.

6. Painting pebbles

Painting rocks is a really fun activity to do for adults and kids. You can buy bags of light coloured pebbles from Bunnings and I collect smooth pebbles and rocks everywhere I go. For a kids activity, I would recommend wearing a smock and painting outdoors. The painted pebbles look like easter eggs.

  • First step – Give the pebbles a bit of a wash. Once they are clean and dry you can paint straight on them, or if I want a different colour, I coat them with acrylic paint. I use little jars and containers to prop them on while they are drying.
  • Second step –You can sketch out a design with pencil, using an eraser to remove excess pencil marks or just paint freehand.
  • Third step – I use acrylic paint markers to draw the design as it is quick drying.
  • Fourth step – I let them dry well for a day or two before sealing. I gently put on at least two coats of clear varnish (waiting at least two hours between each coat) and make sure there are no big drips or runs. Spray varnish is great to use but needs to be used in a well ventilated outdoor area.
  • There are more detailed instructions here >

Happy Easter!

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